1. Preambule
The privacy of your data is our major concern and we are dedicated to comply with personal data protection regulations.

Please read our Data Privacy which is intended to introduce the way your data is processed when you are using the DOMAINE application and how you might exercise your rights.

2. Why do we process your data?
We process your personal data to enable your full use the DOMAINE application and its range of functionalities.

Essentially, we are processing your data:

so you can create a DOMAINE user account;
so you can save the places of your interest;
so you can create tags on the digital map provided by DOMAINE;
so you can add your TEAM MATES and share locations/assets with them;
to know your last connection location to ensure the security of your account;
to answer your questions;
to provide you with offers and news about the DOMAINE application;
to improve our service;
to carry out statistics.
3. What is the legal basis for processing?
The processing implemented is essentially based on the contractual relationship between you and us following your acceptance of our general terms and conditions of the DOMAINE application when creating an account for the first time. In some cases, the legal basis may also be our legitimate interest.

4. Who is the controller?
JLN Holdings company, owner of the DOMAINE application, is in charge of processing your data, i.e. it defines the purposes and means of the processing carried out to enable you to use all the features of the DOMAINE application.

5. What type of data are we processing?
We collect the bare minimum of data necessary to enable you to use all the functionalities of the DOMAINE application:
your name, surname, Company name, your language and country for your account management and profile;
your email and your contacts (address book) to let you easily find friends in the app. Your address book data are securely hashed and are never shared with anyone;
your app data (maps, places, tags, followees, pictures, pdf documents) to allow you to retrieve everything from any device you use;
your last connection location to detect a change of city and suggest you specific content;
the messages you send through our internal chat feature;
the email you send to our support (through;
For analytics and statistics purpose, to ensure the application is working as intended, we might collect your device location and IP when the application is used.

6. Who is the recipient of your data?
We do not resell your personal data. The business model of the DOMAINE application is by no means based on the sale of your personal data to third parties. In this respect, the only persons authorized to use your data are JLN HOLDINGS employees as part of your use of the DOMAINE application. We underline that our employees are bound by a specific privacy agreement regarding your data.

We work with some providers with whom we can transmit anonymised data about you, for analytics purposes and for specific features of the app. These data recipients include:

Analytics solutions: Amplitude (, Google Firebase (
Referrals solutions: Branch (
Notifications solutions: Batch (
Data Accommodation (Frankfurt, Germany):

JLN HOLDINGS anonymises and aggregates the places and tags information, to perform usage statistics for third parties.

As an example of such data we can collect for analytics purpose, we might collect and send to the above data recipiens:

- Device location and IP
- Login method
- Internal user indentifier
- Asset location and main details

7. How long is your data retained?
Your data is processed for a limited period of time that we define in the light of the legal and contractual constraints and, failing that, according to our needs. The principles are as follows:

data relating to users: retained for the duration of the contractual relations with us, increased by 5 years according to the statutory requirements;
data relating to contacts: retained for 3 years from the last contact from the contact or prospect.
Data relating to assets: retained for the duration of the contractual relations with us, increased by 5 years according to the statutory requirements;

8. Your rights
You have the following rights with respect to your personal data:

a right to ask us to confirm that your data is processed, to access this data and to request a copy;
a right to rectify any of your data that would be erroneous or obsolete;
a right to obtain the erasure of your data if you objected to its processing for commercial prospecting purposes or if you decides to erase your DOMAINE account;
to oppose any profiling on our part;
a right to obtain the portability of your data.
Please note that only the user involved in the processing may exercise the rights provided for here in above.

As a result, your request must be accompanied by a copy of an identity card. Failing that, your request will be denied.

9. How do we protect your data?
We implement the technical and organizational measures we believe are appropriate to prevent the unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration or disclosure of your personal data.

In the event of data breach, we undertake to notify the supervisory authority under the conditions prescribed by the European data privacy regulation.

If this breach involves a high risk for our users, we commit ourselves to notify those concerned and to provide them with the necessary information and recommendations.

10. How to contact us?
If you wish to obtain specific information on your data, you can refer to our data protection officer to the following contact details:

Data Protection Officer
Name: Nicolas GOIRAN
E-mail address:
Tel: +33 06 86 93 23 69

Our data protection officer will give you an answer within a reasonable time regarding the question asked or the information required.

11. Is your data transferred outside the european union?
None of your data is transferred outside the European Union and our servers are located within the territory of the EU.

12. How to lodge a claim with the supervisory authority?
As authorized by law, you can lodge a claim with the supervisory authority to the following address: Service des plaintes de la Cnil, 3 place de Fontenoy – TSA 80751, 75334 Paris Cedex 07 or by phone: +33 (0)1 53 73 22 22.

13. Revision
In the event of regulatory changes or recommendations by the supervisory authority, we reserve the right to modify this Policy. Any new Policy is notified to you before its entry into effect.